(Quotations) |
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This dharma in the original (Gita) refers to karma yoga, and the karma yoga of our age is the spinning wheel.
The biggest of karmayogis never gives up devotional songs or worship.
Khadi is the sun of the village solar system.
Khaddar was conceived with a much more ambitious object, that is, to make our villages starvation-proof.
The khadi spirit means fellow-feeling with every human being on earth.
The khadi spirit means also an infinite patience.
Khaddar delivers the poor from the bonds of the rich and creates a moral and spiritual bond between the classes and the masses.
Khaddar does not displace a single cottage industry.
Khaddar brings a ray of hope to the widows broken-up home.
Khaddar has the greatest organizing power in it because it has itself to be organized and because it affects all India.
Khaddar is an activity that can absorb all the time of all available men and women and grown-up children, if they have faith.
Khadi service, village service and the Harijan service are one in reality, though three in name.
Khadi mentality means decentralization of the production and distribution of the necessaries of life.
Khadi has been conceived as the foundation and the image of ahimsa. A real khadi-wearer will not utter an untruth. A real khadi-wearer will harbour no violence, no deceit, no impurity.
I had bargained for a khaddar hut, but I was insulted with a khaddar palace.
I would ask you to come in Khadi, for Khadi links you with the fallen and the down-trodden.
Even if masses of people were to burn khadi publicly and say that it is an insane programme, I will declare that those people have gone mad.
My swadeshi chiefly centers round the hand-spun khaddar and extends to everything that can be and is produced in India.
Khaddar of my conception is that hand-spun fabric which takes entirely the place of mill cloth in India.
Khadi to me is the symbol of unity of Indian humanity, of its economic freedom and equality and, therefore, ultimately, in the poetic expression of Jawaharlal Nehru, the livery of Indias freedom.
Khadi will cease to have any value in my eyes if it does not usefully employ the millions.
All the order industries will receive warmth and sustenance from khadi industry.
Boycott brought about anyhow of British cloth cannot yield the same results as such boycott brought about by hand spinning and khaddar.
Coal is not dear for the coal-miner who can use it there and then, nor is khadi dear for the villager who manufactures his own khadi.
Even as satyagraha is a weapon unique of its kind and not one of the ordinary weapons used by people, so is Khadi, a unique article of commerce which will not, cannot, succeed on terms common to other articles.
For a firm believer in swadeshi, there need be no Pharisaical self-satisfaction in wearing khadi.
Handsome is not he who is handsomely clothed, handsome is he who handsome does.
If we have the khadi spirit in us, then we should surround ourselves with simplicity in every walk of
Organization of khaddar in infinitely better than co-operative societies of any other form of village organization.
The art that is in the machine-made article, appeals only to the eye; the art in Khadi appeals first to the heart and then to the eye.
The foundation of service and your real training lie in spinning khaddar.
The Khadi work without the mastery of the science of khadi will be loves labour lost in terms of Swaraj. T-7-36
The message of khaddar can penetrate to the remotest villages if we only will that it shall be so. T-2-244
The only real and reliable guarantee for khadi would be the honesty, truthfulness and sincerity of khadi workers. T-7-20
The singular secret of khaddar lies in its saleability in the place of its production and use the manufacturers themselves. T-3-293
Through Khadi we teach the people the art of civil obedience to an institution which they have built up for themselves. T-4-10
Without proper careful organization of the spinning wheel and khaddar, there is absolutely no civil disobedience. XXVI-246
No one takes the cultivator to take breathing exercise or to work his muscles.
The Congress is nothing if it does not represent the kisans.
Knowledge without devotion will be like a misfire.
Knowledge and devotion, to be true have to stand the test of renunciation of the fruits of action.
True knowledge gives a moral standing and moral strength.
The dry knowledge of the three Rs is not even now, it can never be, a permanent part of the villagers life.
Krishna of the Gita is perfection and right knowledge personified; but the picture is imaginary.
What will tell in the end will be character and not a knowledge of letters.
Without devotion, action and knowledge are cold and dry and many even become shackles.
Knowledge of the tallest scientist or the greatest spiritualist is like a particle of dust.
One rupee can purchase for us poison or nectar, but knowledge or devotion cannot buy us either salvation or bondage.
In order that knowledge may not run riot, the author of the Gita has insisted on devotion accompanying it and has given it the first place. T-2-308
The renunciation is the central sun, round which devotion, knowledge and the rest revolve like planets.
My varnashrama refuses to bow the head before the greatest potentate on earth, but my varnashrama compels me to bow down my head in all humility before knowledge, purity, before every person where I see God face to face.