(Quotations) |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y
If Gandhism means simply mechanically turning the spinning wheel, it deserves to be destroyed. T-5-241
What is Gandhism but winning Swaraj by means of truth and nonviolence? T-3-78
There is no such thing as 'Gandhism', and I do not want to leave any sect after me. T-4-54
If our ahimsa is not of the brave, and if it will bend the knee before himsa, Gandhism deserves to be destroyed. T-5-242
They might kill me but they cannot kill Gandhism. If truth can be killed, Gandhism can be killed. T-3-78
I hold my message to be far superior to myself and far superior to the vehicle though which it is expressed. T-2-264
Unless the charkha adds to your ahimsa and makes you stronger every day, your Gandhism is of little avail. T-3-78
There is already enough superstition in our country. No effort should be spared to resist further addition in the shape of Gandhi worship. XXV-334
Though a non-co-operator, I shall gladly subscribe to a bill to make it criminal for anybody to call me mahatma and to touch my feet. T-2-257
Was it that you wanted do pull my leg by transporting me to the frozen Himalayan heights of mahatmaship and claiming for yourself absolution from having to follow my precepts? T-2-3
Nonviolent acts exert pressure far more effective than violent acts, for that pressure comes from good-will and gentleness. XXV-473
The Germans were defeated not because they were necessarily in the wrong, but because the allied powers were found to possess greater brute strength. T-2-20
I am not just now thinking of Indias deliverance. It will come, but what will it be wrought if England and France fall, or if they come out victorious over Germany ruined and humbled. T-5-161
I must refuse to believe that Germans contemplate with equanimity the evacuation of cities like London for fear of destruction to be wrought by man's inhuman ingenuity. T-5-161
I fear the Greeks especially when they bring gifts. T-5-38
What we receive must be called a gift; for as debtors we are entitled to no consideration for the discharge of the obligations. MOG-19
God accepts the sacrifice of the pure in heart. T-2-377
God always saves the world from the consequences of unintended errors of men who live in fear of Him. MM-46
God alone is immortal, imperishable. MM-72
God alone is truth and everything else is transitory and illusory. XXVI-265
God alone knows absolute Truth. MM-72
God answers prayer in His own way, not ours. MM-91
God as Truth has been for me a treasure beyond price; may He be so to every one of us. TIG-22
God can never be realized by one who is not pure of heart. TIG-57
God cannot be so cruel and unjust as to make the distinctions of high and low between man and man, and woman and woman. T-3-234
God cannot be realized through the intellect. MM-72
God chooses as His instrument the humblest and weakest of His creatures to fulfill Himself. T-5-115
God created man to work for his food and said that those who ate without work were thieves.
God demands nothing less than self surrender as the price for the only real freedom that is worth having. MM-224
God does not punish directly. His ways are inscrutable. T-2-134
God gifted man with intellect that he might know his Maker. Man abused it so that he might forget his Maker. X-28
God has a thousand names, or rather He is Nameless. MM-78
God has been described by all the scriptures of the world a protector and saviour of the sinner.
God has blessed man with seed that has the highest potency and woman with a field richer than the richest earth to be found anywhere on his globe. T-4-60
God has blessed me with the mission to place nonviolence before the nation for adoption. T-5-210
God has enabled man to distinguish between his sister, his mother, his daughter and his wife.
God has enabled me to affect the life of the country since 1920 without the necessity of office.
God has given us only a limited sphere of action and a limited vision. T-2-326
God has His own way of choosing His instruments. T-5-151
God has made of man and woman one complete whole. In the scheme of nature, both of them are equal. T-7-380
God has so ordered this world that no one can keep his goodness or badness exclusively to himself. MM-434
God having cast my lot in the midst of the people of India, I should be untrue to my Maker if I failed to serve them. MM-436
God Himself has reserved no right of revision of His own laws nor is there any need for Him for any such revision. TIG-23
God is the hardest taskmaster I have known on this earth and He tries you through and through. MM-50
God is the source of Light and Life and yet He is above and beyond all these. God is conscience. XXVI-224
God is the vital force or spirit which is allpervading, allembracing and, therefore, beyond human ken. MM-89
God is the shield of the nonviolent. MM-126
God in his wisdom circumscribed man’s vision, and rightly too, for otherwise man’s conceit would know no
God is always the upholder of justice. T-5-161
God is certainly one. He has no second. He is unfathomable, unknowable and unknown to the vast majority of mankind. XXV-178
God is conscience. He is even the atheism of the atheist. TIG-10
God is continuously in action, without resting for a single moment. TIG-140
God is Light, not darkness. God is Love, not hate. God is truth, not untruth. God alone is great.
God is not a person. God is an eternal principle. T-3-147
God is not a Power residing in the clouds. He is an unseen Power residing within us and nearer to us than finger nails to the flesh. TIG-19
God is not in Kaaba or in Kashi. He is within everyone of us. XXV-451
God is not outside this earthly case of ours. TIG-33
God is omnipresent; even a pebble in the Narmada can represent Him and serve as an object of worship. XXVI-309
God is that indefinable something which we all feel but which we do not know. XXVI-224
God makes crooked straight for us and sets things right when they seem to go dead wrong. T-7-143
God never made man that he may consider another man as untouchable. XXVI-354
God of Truth and Justice can never create distinctions of high and low among His own children.
God resides in every human form, indeed in every particle of His creations, in everything that is on his earth. T-4-124
God rules even where Satan seems to hold sway, because the latter exists only on Gods sufferance. T-7-147
Gods grace and revelation are the monopoly of no race or nation. XXV-479
Gods laws are eternal and unalterable and not separable from God Himself. T-2-293
Gods time never stops. MM-88
Gods ways are more than Mans arithmetic. T-5-151
Gods word is : He who strives never perishes. TIG-4
God to be God must rule the heart and transform it. TIG-8
God the Compassionate and the merciful, Tolerance incarnate, allows Mammon to have his nine days’
God took and needed no personal service. He served His creatures without demanding any service for Himself in return. T-4-304
God tries his votaries through and through, but never beyond endurance. XXVI-159
God was known by many names. And in the last analysis Gods names were as many as human beings. T-8-169
God, who is the embodiment of Truth and Right and Justice, can never have sanctioned a religion or practice which regards one fifth of our vast population as untouchables. T-3-280
God will cease to be God, if he brought into being a single person with the hallmark of inferiority. XXVI-354
God will not be God, if He allowed Himself to be the object of proof by His creatures. T-3-200
God will rule the lives of all those who will surrender themselves without reservation to Him. T-3-136
I am endeavouring to see God through service of humanity; for I know that God is neither in heaven, nor down below, but in everyone. TIG-5
I am not likely to obtain the result flowing from the worship of God by laying myself prostrate before Satan. X-43
I believe in absolute oneness of God and, therefore, also of humanity. T-2-149
I believe in God, not as a theory but as a fact more real than life itself. XXVI-233
I call God longsuffering and patient precisely because He permits evil in the world. I know that He has no evil in Him and yet if there is evil, He is the author of it and yet untouched by it. T-2-314
I can neither serve God nor humanity if as an Indian I do not serve India, and as a Hindu I do not serve Indian Mussalmans. XXV-260
I can see that in the midst of death, life persists, in the midst of untruth, truth persists, in the midst of darkness, light persists. Hence I gather that God is Life, Truth, Light. He is Love. He is the Supreme Good. T-2-313
I claim no perfection for myself. But I do claim to be a passionate seeker after Truth, which is but another name for God. T-5-295
I claim to know my millions. All the hours of the day I am with them. They are my first care and God that is to be found in the hearts of the dumb millions. TIG-27
I do not accept the orthodox teaching that Jesus was or is God incarnate in the accepted sense or that he was or is the only Son of God. XXV-85
I hold it a blasphemy to say that the Creator resides in a temple from which a particular class of His
devotees sharing the faith in it are excluded.
If God is not a personal being for me like my earthy father, He is infinitely more. T-3-250
If God is vast and boundless as the ocean, how can a tiny drop like man imagine what He is? TIG-45
If God holds me to be a pure instrument for the spread of nonviolence in the place of the awful violence now ruling the earth, He will give me the strength and show me the way. T-5-213
If I could persuade myself that I could find Him in a Himalayan cave I would proceed there immediately. TIG-35
If I had no God to rely upon, I should be, like Timon, a hater of my species. XXV-390
If it is possible for the human tongue to give the fullest description of God, I have come to the conclusion that God is Truth. T-3-144
If it was wrong to seek God in a stone, how was it right to seek Him in a book called the Gita, the Granth Sahib or the Koran? T-8-269
If we could all give our own definitions of God, there would be as many definitions as there are men and women. XXVI-224
If we had attained the full vision of Truth, we would no longer be seekers, but become one with God, for Truth is God. TIG-64
I know of no religion or sect that has done or is doing without is house of God, variously described as a temple, a mosque, a church, a synagogue or agiary. T-3-194
I know that I can never be alone as God is there with me. T-5-290
I recognise no God except the God that is to be found in the hearts of the dumb millions. T-5-58
I shall despair when I despair of myself, of God and humanity. XXVI-266
I trust men only because I trust God. XXV-390
I worship the God that is Truth or Truth which is God through the service of these millions. T-5-58
By Ram Raj I do not mean Hindu Raj. I mean by Ram Raj, Divine Raj, the Kingdom of God. T-2-375
For me, Rama and Rahim are one and the same deity. I acknowledge no other God but the one God of truth and righteousness. T-2-375
For me the Voice of God, of Conscience, of Truth or the Inner Voice or the still small Voice mean one and the same thing. TIG-29
For me the only certain means of knowing God is nonviolence, ahimsa, love. T-2-126
Immediately I arrogate to myself the exclusive title to being in the right, I usurp the function of the Deity. XXV-442
I will not be a traitor of God to please the whole world. MM-18
It is my conviction that the root of the evil is want of a living God. T-4-40
It is my unmistakable belief that not a blade of grass moves but by the divine will. T-3-347
Let me say that God will send me the plan when He gives the word as He has done before now. T-5-224
Mine is not a religion of the prison-house. It has room for the least among Gods creation. EWE-11
My religion is based on truth and nonviolence. Truth is my God. Nonviolence is the means of realizing
My religion says that only he who is prepared to suffer can pray to God. T-2-152
My varnashram refuses to bow the head before the greatest potentate on earth, but my varnashram compels me to bow down my head in all humility before knowledge, purity, before every person where I see God face to face. T-2-283
My creed is service of God and therefore of humanity. XXV-260
My faith runs so very much faster than my reason that I can challenge the whole world and say, God is, was and ever shall be. TIG-13
My fast is a matter between God and myself. T-2-150
My firm belief is that he reveals Himself daily to every human being but we shut our ears to the still small Voice. TIG-34
My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and my talents, and I lay them both at His feet. T-5-291
Since nothing else that I see merely through the senses can or will persist, He alone is. T-2-313
The life of the millions is my politics, from which I dare not free myself without denying my life-work and God. MM-103
The purer I try to become, the nearer I feel to be to God. T-2-314
To me Truth is God and there is no way to find Truth except the way of nonviolence. T-2-236
To me God is Truth and love, God is ethics and morality, God is fearlessness. XXVI-224
What God may have enabled me to do is but a repayment debt, and he who repays a debt deserves no praise. T-4-257
What I want to achieve, what I have been striving and pining for these thirty year, is self-realization, that is, to see God face to face. T-2-217
With me the connection between the cosmic phenomena and human behaviour is a living faith that draws me nearer to God, humbles me and makes me readier for facing Him. T-3-251
You may pluck out my eyes, but that cannot kill me. You may chop off my nose, but that will not kill me. But blast my belief in God, and I am dead. TIG-35
A fearstricken person can never know God, and one who knows God will never fear a mortal man. T-2-304
A mind not set on God is given to wandering and lacks the quality of a temple of worship. MM-74
All of us with one voice call one God differently as Parmatma, Ishwara, Shiva, Vishnu, Rama, Allah, Khuda, Dada-Hormuzda, Jehova, God and an infinite variety of names. TIG-12
A personal selfish prayer is bad whether made before an image or an unseen God. TIG-90
All religions enjoined worship of the One God who was all-pervasive. He was present even in a drop of water or in a tiny speck of dust. T-7-115
All the dry ethics of the world turn to dust because apart from God they are lifeless. MM-72
All the religions of the world describe God pre-eminently as the Friend of the friendless, Help of the helpless, and Protector of the weak. T-3-192
A satyagrahi should have a living faith in God. T-5-92
As soon as we become one with the ocean in the shape of God, there is no more rest for us, nor indeed do we need rest any longer. TIG-141
Assumption of superiority by any person over any other is a sin against God and man. MM-110
Before the throne of the Almighty, man will be judged not by his acts, but by his intentions. T-5-256
Buddha emphasized and redeclared the eternal and unalterable existence of the moral government of this universe. He unhesitatingly said that the law was God Himself. T-2-293
Calling them devadasis we insult God Himself in the name of religion. T-2-280
Celibacy is a great help, inasmuch as it enables one to lead a life of full surrender to God. XXV-152
Conversion without a clean heart is a denial of God and religion. T-4-79
Cowardice is not a sign of belief in God. T-4-252
"Do not worry in the least about yourself, leave all worry to God" this appears to be the commandment in all religions. MOG-19
Even the atheists, who have pretended to disbelieve in God, have believed in Truth. T-3-294
Fight if you must on the path of righteousness and God will be with you. MM-206
He is no God who merely satisfies the intellect, if He ever does. T-2-313
He who has a living faith in God will not do evil deeds with name of God on his lips. T-4-252
He who would in his own person testthe fact of God's presence can do so by a living faith. T-2-313
If we have listening ears, God speaks to us in our own language, whatever that language be. T-7-110
If we will take care of today, God will take care of the morrow. T-2-65
If you have faith in the cause and the means and in God, the hot sun will be cool for you. T-2-182
In a strictly scientific sense God is at the bottom of both good and evil. TIG-25
In His boundless love God permits the atheist to live. XXVI-224
Its unadulterated belief in the oneness of God and a practical application of the truth of the brotherhood of man for those who are nominally within its fold are two distinctive contributions of Islam. T-2-341
It is better to be charged with cowardice and weakness than to be guilty of denial of our oath and sin against God. T-2-85
It is impossible that God, who is the God of Justice, could have made the distinctions that men observe today in the name of religion. T-3-236
It is possible to reason out the existence of God to a limited extent. T-2-312
It needs more than a heart of oak to shed all fear except the fear of God. T-4-33
It was manly and dignified to rely upon God for the dissolution of all troubles. He was the only infallible help, guide and friend. T-8-97
Let us fear God and we shall cease to fear man. MM-60
Living faith in God means acceptance of the brotherhood of mankind. T-4-252
Meditation is waiting on God. XXV-515
Never own defeat in a sacred cause and make up your minds henceforth that you will be pure and that you will find a response from God. TIG-58
Nonviolence succeeds only when we have a real living faith in God. T-5-104
Nonviolence is an attribute of the Almighty whose ways of fulfilling Himself are inscrutable. T-6-12
Man alone is made in the image of God. MM-424
Man can only conceive God within the limitation of his own mind. TIG-45
Man can only describe God in his own poor language. TIG-45
Man can only try and perish in the attempt. God is all in all. We are only zeros. T-7-385
Man in the flesh is essentially imperfect. He may be described as being made in the image of God but is far from being God. T-7-73
Man is not at peace with himself till he was become like unto God. TIG-98
Man should earnestly desire the well being of all Gods creation and pray that we may have the strength to do so. MM-434
No man has ever been able to describe God fully. The same holds true of ahimsa. T-7-73
The man who eats to live, who is friends with the five powers earth, water, ether, sun and air who is a servant of God, the Creator of all these, ought not to fall ill. MM-394
When a man fasts, it is not the gallons of water he drinks that sustains him, but God. T-8-108
When a man wants to make up with his Maker, he does not consult a third party. T-2-150
A man cannot serve God and Mammon, nor be "temperate and furious at the same time. MM-137
A man of faith does not bargain or stipulate with God. XXV-88
A man of God never strives after untruth and therefore he can never lose hope. XXV-188
A man who is intentionally unarmed relies upon the Unseen Force called God by poets, but called the Unknown by scientists. MM-115
A man with a grain of faith in God never loses hope, because he ever believes in the ultimate triumph of Truth. XXV-188
A man who throws himself on God ceases to fear man. T-2-369
A person who believes in nonviolence believes in a living God. He cannot accept defeat. T-5-16
Of all the myriads of God, Daridranarayana is the most sacred inasmuch as it represents the untold millions of the poor people as distinguished from the few rich people. T-2-377
One is ever young in the felt presence of the God of Truth, or Truth which is God. T-5-71
One may banish the word "God" from the Congress but one has no power to banish the Thing Itself. XXV-224
One who would serve will not waste a thought upon his own converts, which he leaves to be attended to or neglected by his Master on high. MOG-21
Often does good come out of evil. But that is Gods, not mans plan. TIG-141
Our prayer is a heart search. It is a reminder to ourselves that we are helpless without His support. TIG-44
Outward appearance was nothing to Him if it was not an expression of the inner. T-7-50
Prayer is an impossibility without a living faith in the presence of God within. TIG-55
Punishment is Gods. He alone is the infallible Judge. T-4-299
Rama, Allah and God are to me convertible terms. XXVI-28
Religion all the world over offered God as the solace and comfort for all in agony. T-2-212
Religion was entirely a personal matter. Each one could approach his Creator as he liked. T-8-51
Satyagraha is search for Truth, and God is Truth. XXV-489
Seeing God face to face is to feel that He is enthroned in our hearts even as a child feels a mothers affection without needing any demonstration. TIG-92
Shraddha means selfconfidence and selfconfidence means faith in God. XXV-88
Surely, conscience is but a poor and laborious paraphrase of the simple combination of three letters called God. XXVI-224
Surely, conversion is a matter between man and his Maker who alone knows His creatures hearts. T-4-79
Imperialism is a negation of God. It does not ungodly acts in the name of God. XXV-19
That which impels man to do the right is God. XXVI-571
That which makes man the mere playing of fate is God. XXVI-571
Undoubtedly, prayer requires a living faith in God. Successful satyagraha is inconceivable without that faith. T-7-95
The art of dying bravely and with honour does not need any special training, save a living faith in God. MM-302
The eternal duel between Ormuzd and Ahriman, God and Satan, is raging in my breast, which is one among their billion battlefields. XXV-450
The giddy heights which mans ingenuity is attempting take us away from our Maker, who is nearer to us than the nails are to the flesh which they cover. T-5-175
The idol in the temple is not God. But since God resides in every atom, He resides in an idol. T-3-219
The knowledge of the omnipresence of God also means respect for the lives even of those who may be called opponents. MM-114
The Law and the Lawgiver are one. T-2-313
The Law is God. Anything attributed to Him is not a mere attribute. He is Truth, Love, Law and a million things that human ingenuity can name. T-3-250
The Law which governs all life is God. T-2-313
The nonviolent man automatically becomes a servant of God. T-4-257
The power we call God defies description. TIG-45
There are innumerable definitions of God because His manifestations are innumerable. MM-42
There can be in the eyes of God no distinction between man and man, even as there is no distinction between animal and animal. T-3-335
There is only one God for us all, whether we find him through the Koran, the Zend-Avesta, The
Tolmud, or the Gita. T-2-69
There was no greater spellbinder of peace than the name of God. T-7-41
The sky may be overcast today with clouds, but a fervent prayer to God is enough to dispel them. T-4-29
The sum of all that lives is God. XXVI-571
The sum total of all that lives is God. We may not be God but we are of God even as a little drop of water is of the ocean. TIG-92
The sum total of karma is God. XXVI-571
The truth is that God is the force. He is the essence of life. He is pure and undefiled consciousness. He is eternal. TIG-84
The turning of the charkha in a lifeless way will be like the turning of the beads of the rosary with a wandering mind turned away from God. T-5-242
The Vedas are a indefinable as God and Hinduism. T-3-181
This belief in God has to be based on faith which transcends reason. MM-54
This feeling of helplessness in us has really arisen from our deliberate dismissal of God from our common affairs. XX-137
Though God may be Love, God is Truth above all. T-3-144
Though philosophical Hinduism has no other god but God, it cannot be denied that practical Hinduism is not so emphatically uncompromising as Islam. T-2-341
To a people famishing and idle, the only acceptable form in which God can dare appear is work and promise of food as wages. T-2-63
To bear all kinds of tortures without a murmur of resentment is not possible for a human being without the strength that comes from God. T-5-93
To reject the necessity of temples is to reject the necessity of God, religion and earthly existence. T-3-195
To say that a single human being, because of his birth, becomes an untouchable, unapproachable or invisible is to deny God. XXVI-373
Truth is God, and Truth overrides all our plans. The whole Truth is only embodied within the heart of Great PowerTruth. T-7-363
Truth is the right designation of God. TIG-21
Waiting on God means increasing purity. XXVI-515
We do not know the laws of God, nor their working. T-3-250
What is impossible with man in childs play with God. T-3-137
When the neglect of the call means a denial of
God, civil disobedience becomes a peremptory
When you want to find Truth as God, the only inevitable means is love, that is, nonviolence. T-3-144
When we fear God, then we shall fear no man, however high-placed he may be. MM-308
Where love is, there God is also. MM-418
Who is there in the world who can insult the God in the image? T-2-261
Without living Truth, God is nowhere. T-8-270
Without an unreserved surrender to His grace, complete mastery over thoughts is impossible.
You are not going to know the meaning of God or prayer unless you reduce yourself to a cipher.
You will find that God is always by the side of the fearless. T-7-273
You will not pit one word of God against another word of God. T-4-138
If gold were as easily available as iron, it would not for all its glitter have the same value that it has today. XXV-298
Not all our gold and jewellery could satisfy our hunger and quench our thirst. T-4-22
A regenerate outgrows the original taint, even as purified gold outgrows the original alloy. T-4-76
"Judge not lest ye be judged" is a golden rule. XXV-463
The good that man does is more often than not better left unsaid. MM-12
Although evil seemed at times to rule the world, the eternal truth was that the world lived so long as goodness resided even in one person. T-7-377
In a strictly scientific sense God is at the bottom of both good and evil. TIG-25
Religion taught us to return good for evil. T-8-120
Tolerance obviously does not disturb the distinction between right and wrong, or good and evil.
My purpose is to describe experiments in the science of satyagraha and not at all to describe how good I am. T-2-217
Goondas flourish only in the midst of timid people. T-5-282
It is we who make the goondas. Without our sympathy and passive support, goondas would have no legs to stand upon. T-8-102
It is a part of the struggle for liberty, if it is nonviolent, to reclaim even the goondas, whether they are to be found among the people or those in authority. T-5-48
Intolerance is a form of goondaism (hooliganism). It is no less disgraceful than savagery. T-7-396
My whole soul rises against the very idea of the custody of my religion passing into the hands of goondas. XXV-169
A government builds its prestige upon the apparently voluntary association of the governed. T-2-45
A nonviolent system of government is clearly an impossibility to long as the wide gulf between the rich and hungry millions persists. MM-257
Government of the people by the people and for the people cannot be conducted at the bidding of one man, however great he may be. MM-346
Our nonviolence in respect of the Government is a result of our incapacity for effective violence.
The schools and colleges are really a factory for turning out clerks for Government. T-2-13
Civil disobedience is not only the natural right of a people, especially when they have no effective voice in their own Government, But that it is also a substitute for violence or armed rebellion. T-3-154
I have not hesitated to call the system of Government under which we are labouring satanic and I withdraw naught out of it. T-2-200
The nations non-co-operation is an invitation to the Government to co-operate with it on its own terms, as is every nations right and every good government’s duty. T-2-46
What crimes, for which we condemn the Government as satanic, have we not been guilty of towards our own untouchable brethren? T-2-36
Under my plan, the state will be there to carry our the will of the people, not to dictate to them or to force them to do its will. T-7-48
Every person in a well-ordered state is fully conscious of both his responsibility and his rights.
The stability of State depends upon the readiness of every citizen to subordinate his rights to those of the rest. XXV-420
No matter what the cause was and wherever it was, Indian governments must never requisition the services of British soldiers to deal with civil disturbances. T-7-359
Do not concentrate on showing the misdeeds of the government, for we have to convert and befriend those who run it. T-5-265
Originally there could be none in a close monopoly organisation like the Government of India. T-7-56
We shall dig our won grave if we do not purge ourselves of this curse of untouchability. T-3-233
The law of love will work just as the law of gravitation will work, whether we accept it or not.
The greatest to be great has to be lowliest by choice. MM-381
True greatness in the world is not found set upon a hill for the vulgar crowd to see. MM-474
God alone is the judge of true greatness because He knows mens hearts. MM-474
God is Light, not darkness, God is love, not hate, God is Truth, not untruth. God alone is great.