February 1
SSA, p.360
February 2
YI, July 1925
February 3
I believe that the sum total of the energy of
mankind is not to bring us down but to lift us up, and that is the result of
the definite, if unconscious, working of the law of love. The fact that
mankind persists shows that the cohesive force is greater than centrifugal.
YI, 12 Nov. 1931
February 4
Scientists tell us that without the presence
of the cohesive force amongst the atoms that comprise this globe of ours, it
would crumble to pieces and we would cease to exist; and even as there is
cohesive force in blind matter, so must there be in all things animate and
the name for that cohesive force among animate beings is Love.
YI, 5 May 1920
February 5
We notice it between father and son, between
brother and sister, friend and friend. But we have to learn to use that
force among all that lives, and in the use of it consists our knowledge of
God. Where there is love there is life; hatred leads to destruction.
February 6
YI, 1 Oct. 1931
February 7
H, 26 Sept. 1936
February 8
If there is a fundamental distinction between
man and beast, it is the former's progressive recognition of the law and its
application in practice to his own personal life. All the saints of the
world, ancient and modern, were each according to his light and capacity a
living illustration of that supreme Law of our Being.
February 9
The forms are many, but the informing spirit
is one. How can there be room for distinctions of high and low where there
is this all embracing fundamental unity under lying the out ward diversity?
For that is a fact meeting you at every step in daily life. The final goal
of all religions is to realize this essential oneness.
H, 15 Dec. 1933
February 10
We must widen the circle of our love till it
embraces the whole village; the village in its turn must take into its fold
the district, the district the province, and so on till the scope of our
love becomes coterminous with the world.
YI, 27 June 1929
February 11
Not killing competition, but life giving
co-operation, is the law of the human being. Ignoring the emotion is to
forget that man has feelings. Not the good of the few, not even good of the
many, but it is the good of all that we are made to promote, if we are made
in His own image'.
SW, p.350
February 12
YI, 23 Sept. 1926
February 13
A seeker after Truth a follower of the Law and
Love, cannot hold any thing against tomorrow. God never provides for the
morrow. He never cerates more than what is strictly needed from day to day.
If therefore, we repose faith in His Providence, we should rest assured that
He will give us every day our daily bread, supplying enough that we require.
YI, Sept. 1930
February 14
February 15
The rich have a superfluous store of things
which they do not need and which are, therefore, neglected and wasted; while
millions starve and are frozen to death for want of them. If each retained
possession only of what he needed, none would be in want and all would live
in contentment.
February 16
As it is, the rich are discontented no less
than the poor. The poor man would become a millionaire and the millionaire a
multimillionaire. The poor are often not satisfied when they get just enough
to fill their stomachs; but they are clearly entitled to it and society
should make it a point to see 5that they get it.
February 17
Our civilization, our culture, our Swaraj
depend not upon multiplying our wants self-indulgence, but upon restricting
our wants self-denial.
YI, 6 Oct. 1921
February 18
YI, Feb. 1925
February 19
SW, p. 384
February 20
I venture to suggest that it is the
fundamental law of Nature, without exception, that Nature produces enough
for our wants from day to day, and if only everybody took enough for himself
and nothing more, there would be no pauperism in this world, there would be
no man dying of starvation in this world.
February 21
I am no socialist and I do not want to
dispossess those who have got possessions; but I do say that personally
those of us who want to see light out of darkness have to follow this rule.
I do not want to dispossess anybody. I should then be departing from the
rule of Ahimsa. If somebody else possesses more than I do, let him. But so
far as my own life has to be regulated, I dare not possess anything which I
do not want.
February 22
In India we have got three millions of people
who have to be satisfied with one meal a day, and that meal consisting of a
chapatti containing no fat in it and a pinch of salt. You and I have no
right to anything that we really have until these three millions are clothed
and fed better. You and I, who ought to know better, must adjust our wants,
and even undergo voluntary starvation in order that they may be nursed, fed
and clothed.
SW, p.385
February 23
The golden rule is resolutely to refuse to
have what millions cannot. This ability to refuse will not descend upon us
all of a sudden. The first thing is to cultivate the mental attitude that
will not have possession or facilities denied to millions, arrange our lives
as fast as possible in accordance with that mentality.
YI, 24 June 1926
February 24
One should eat not in order to please the
plate, but just to keep body going. When each organ of sense sub serves the
body and through the body the soul, its special relish disappears and then
alone does it begin to function in the way nature intended it to do. Any
number of experiments is too small and no sacrifice too great for attaining
this symphony with nature.
Auto, p. 392
February 25
YI, 29 Sept.1927
February 26
YI, 8 Aug. 1929
February 27
H, 5 Nov.1938
February 28
H, 4 April 1936
February 29
YI, 23 June 1919