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What is Simplicity?

K.S. Acharlu, from Bangalore, who is now over ninety years of age, and had spent considerable time in Gandhiji's ashram and worked actively in the Hindustani Talimi Sangh, writes:

"After my M.A. Degree in Philosophy, I was appointed as a teacher in the Government High School at Davanagere in Mysore State. I had faith in Gandhian values, Khadi in particular. I used to wash all my clothes, at home without seeking the help of a washerman. As for ironing clothes, the sun dried apparel were neatly folded and placed under my pillow for being ironed. In many other ways my wife and I were leading lives of simplicity.

Though I considered myself to be leading a life of simplicity, I was not satisfied until I sought Gandhiji's advice on the meaning of simplicity.

Gandhiji readily replied on 26 March 1928 "Simplicity is a matter of the heart. But lest we deceive ourselves, the ideal is not to possess anything which the poorest on earth does not."

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