What is Simplicity? |
K.S. Acharlu, from Bangalore, who is now over ninety years of age, and had spent considerable time in Gandhiji's ashram and worked actively in the Hindustani Talimi Sangh, writes: "After my M.A. Degree in Philosophy, I was appointed as a teacher in the Government High School at Davanagere in Mysore State. I had faith in Gandhian values, Khadi in particular. I used to wash all my clothes, at home without seeking the help of a washerman. As for ironing clothes, the sun dried apparel were neatly folded and placed under my pillow for being ironed. In many other ways my wife and I were leading lives of simplicity. Though I considered myself to be leading a life of simplicity, I was not satisfied until I sought Gandhiji's advice on the meaning of simplicity. Gandhiji readily replied on 26 March 1928 "Simplicity is a matter of the heart. But lest we deceive ourselves, the ideal is not to possess anything which the poorest on earth does not." |