It is said that shrubs don’t grow under a
banyan tree because it takes all the nutrition, which is meant for both of
them. This explains the fact that common people don’t progress much under
the auspices of great people.
But sages are different from great people.
Sages are neither ambitious nor selfish. They are eminent. They don’t devour
others’ nutrition. On the contrary they nourish others. They can be compared
to an affectionate cow. A cow nourishes her calf on her milk. The calf grows
day by day. Eminent people let others grow. They are courteous and polite to
others. Bapu’s life is the embodiment of the cow’s nurturance. Those who
came under his patronage could grow. The fowl minded turned good. The stern
ones became soft. Each person, who had the privilege of living with him,
would relate the same experience. A poet writes, “We don’t honour a golden
or silver mountain that doesn’t let the trees grow on it. We honour
Malaygiri that lets the common trees transform into sandalwood.”